A victim of mesothelioma often develop symptoms 15 to 50 years after initial exposure to asbestos. This cancer may take decades to develop in the body and symptoms do not become evident until after the cancer is present. Many victims are unaware of the severeness of their condition as mesothelioma symptoms resemble symptoms of less serious illnesses.
If you have a history of being exposed to mesothelioma, which is the main caused of mesothelioma, it ishighly recommended to seek immediate medical advice. Informing your doctor of previous asbestos exposure can alert them to the possibility of an asbestos-related disease such as mesothelioma. Early detection of the disease is vital to curtailing the and possibly curing mesothelioma.
Early Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Unfortunately, mesothelioma does not have any early symptoms, which explains the why the disease is commonly diagnosed at a late stage of development. As a necessary precaution, those who were had asbestos exposure but have not yet exhibited symptoms should undergo regular chest X-rays and or pulmonary function tests to monitor any adverse changes resultion from exposure to asbestos and inhalation.
Most patients after being informed of having mesothelioma, become confused as the disease is very rare and not much is know by most victims with regards to mesothelioma. However, there are guides that will help you to better understand your options along with providing you with insightful information.
Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of the malignant cancer caused by asbestos, making up approximately two-thirds of all mesothelioma cases.
Known symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include:
Continuous dry or raspy cough (typically non-productive, meaning there is little or no phlegm)
Coughing up blood or medically referred to as hemoptysis
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Night sweats or fever
Unexplained weight loss of 10 percent or more
Persistent pain in the chest or rib area, or painful breathing
Shortness of breath (dyspnea) that occurs even when at rest
The appearance of lumps under the skin on the chest
The symptoms of pleural mesothelioma often occur as a result of thickening of the pleural membrane, due to the rapid production of cancerous cells which leads to the buildup of fluid between membrane layers. Tissue thickening and fluid buildup causes pressure on the lungs, leading to deteriorating respiratory function.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms
Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for approximately 25 to 30 percent of mesothelioma diagnoses and symptoms may include:
Night sweats or fever
Unexplained weight loss
Swelling or pain in the abdomen
Diarrhea or constipation (in general, any change in bowel habits or regularity)
Nausea or vomiting
The appearance of lumps under the skin on the abdomen
These symptoms are caused due to similar problems like that of plueral mesotheioma explained above.
Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms
Pericardial mesothelioma accounts for less than 5 percent of all mesothelioma. Symptoms are caused by thickening of the pericardial membrane and fluid buildup.
Known symptoms include:
Heart palpitations
Severe Chest pain
Difficulty breathing, even when resting
Fever or night sweats
Pericardial mesothelioma is so rare that the recognized body of symptoms is not as well-developed as with more common types of mesothelioma. Pericardial mesothelioma is particularly difficult type of mesothelioma to diagnose, and this correlates to a poor prognosis among pericardial mesothelioma patients.
Testicular Mesothelioma Symptoms
Testicular mesothelioma is an extremely rare form of cancer, and there as been less than 100 cases of testicular mesothelioma recorded in the last 60 years. With so few cases recorded, very little is known about the symptoms of this disease. The only known symptom of testicular mesothelioma is the appearance of testicular lumps, and the lumps may or may not be painful. This is a very rare and hard to diagnose form of mesothelioma. If you have been exposed to asbsestos the best adivce would be to have regular check-ups with your primary care pyhsician if you have any have any signs of mesothelioma symptoms.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Mesothelioma Exposure
Mesothelioma cancer is often found among individuals who have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally-occurring fiber found in the altered industries. This material is useful in certain respects but are extremely harmful to the health of individuals to a great extent. During the mining and manufacturing of the fibers they may become dislodged from the mineral which often gets attached to the clothing or hair of anyone in the surrounding. Over time, the workers inhale the asbestos and this may lead to the development of cancer in such individual.
The magnitude of asbestos inhalation plays a big aspect in the spread of the cancer. This disease is also referred to as asbestos lung cancer. At times, an exposure to asbestos for only one or two months can result in Mesothelioma. The may fibers may have reached the lungs and quickly begin to develop in mesothelium. They eventually move to the lower portion of the lungs and infect the lining. However, the cancer does not usually occur until 30-40 years after the exposure to asbestos as it is during this time that the asbestos spreads and reacts in the body. In some cases, the malignant cancer may not occur until after 70 years after being exposed to Asbestos.
The disease mesotheiloma generally occurs to persons who are in there 40's. However, due to the deceptive nature of the disease only few cases of Mesothelioma have been diagnosed and recorded. It is highly advised that persons who are and have been exposed to asbestos take proper precautions in order to prevent the occurrence of this disease and also to check regularly with their doctor in order to have an early detection in case the disease develops.
An early detection, can prevent the spread of the disease and increase your chances of survival. Mesothelioma is generally develops in the right or the left side of the pleura and at times may also infect the diaphragm. This stage is the first development of the disease. In stage 2, the disease begins to invade the walls of the chest. At point, it can affect the esophagus, heart or even the pleura on both the sides. In stage 3, the Mesothelioma cancer penetrates through the diaphragm and reaches the abdominal cavity and in the final stage it spreads into the blood streams and the other organs of the body.
Statistics have shown that the disease Mesothelioma occurs more in men than in women. Most forms of Mesothelioma cancer is considered to be very fatal. The rates of survival Mesothelioma victims are very rare, however if early treatment takes place, then the patient may be blessed with a longer survival span.
The magnitude of asbestos inhalation plays a big aspect in the spread of the cancer. This disease is also referred to as asbestos lung cancer. At times, an exposure to asbestos for only one or two months can result in Mesothelioma. The may fibers may have reached the lungs and quickly begin to develop in mesothelium. They eventually move to the lower portion of the lungs and infect the lining. However, the cancer does not usually occur until 30-40 years after the exposure to asbestos as it is during this time that the asbestos spreads and reacts in the body. In some cases, the malignant cancer may not occur until after 70 years after being exposed to Asbestos.
The disease mesotheiloma generally occurs to persons who are in there 40's. However, due to the deceptive nature of the disease only few cases of Mesothelioma have been diagnosed and recorded. It is highly advised that persons who are and have been exposed to asbestos take proper precautions in order to prevent the occurrence of this disease and also to check regularly with their doctor in order to have an early detection in case the disease develops.
An early detection, can prevent the spread of the disease and increase your chances of survival. Mesothelioma is generally develops in the right or the left side of the pleura and at times may also infect the diaphragm. This stage is the first development of the disease. In stage 2, the disease begins to invade the walls of the chest. At point, it can affect the esophagus, heart or even the pleura on both the sides. In stage 3, the Mesothelioma cancer penetrates through the diaphragm and reaches the abdominal cavity and in the final stage it spreads into the blood streams and the other organs of the body.
Statistics have shown that the disease Mesothelioma occurs more in men than in women. Most forms of Mesothelioma cancer is considered to be very fatal. The rates of survival Mesothelioma victims are very rare, however if early treatment takes place, then the patient may be blessed with a longer survival span.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mesothelioma Rates
Mesothelioma Statistics
Every year over 2,500 to 4,000 victims have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases. The major issue with this desease is that it has a very long inactive period ranging anywhere from 15 to 50 years.Along with this dismaying news mesothelioma has been predicted by experts to be on the increase in the United States over the next 10 to 20 years.
Even though asbestos materials and products have been banned in many countries over 5000 abestos containing products still exist. It is alarming that so many products still exist as over an estimated 8 million Americans have been exposed to asbestos and it still continues to pose a problem for people of certain occupations.
Most mesothelioma victims as statistics have shown, have a survival rate of about 18 months after diagnosis. The problem with a slim chance of survival is not due to the malignancy of the cancer, but because at the stages that mesethelioma is diagnosed in many victims it is far too late as the malignant cancer is in its advanced stage.
There remains the possibility that harsh bans against the use of products containing asbestos will be put into place to help reduce the risk of having mesothelioma rates increasing. It is estimated that by the year 2030 asbestos will have caused over 60, 000 cases of mesothelioma and an estimated 250,000 other related cancer cases that may result in death.
Sadly over half a million asbestos and mesothelioma cases have been filed, of which over 50,000 were filed in the year 1998.
Every year over 2,500 to 4,000 victims have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases. The major issue with this desease is that it has a very long inactive period ranging anywhere from 15 to 50 years.Along with this dismaying news mesothelioma has been predicted by experts to be on the increase in the United States over the next 10 to 20 years.
Even though asbestos materials and products have been banned in many countries over 5000 abestos containing products still exist. It is alarming that so many products still exist as over an estimated 8 million Americans have been exposed to asbestos and it still continues to pose a problem for people of certain occupations.
Most mesothelioma victims as statistics have shown, have a survival rate of about 18 months after diagnosis. The problem with a slim chance of survival is not due to the malignancy of the cancer, but because at the stages that mesethelioma is diagnosed in many victims it is far too late as the malignant cancer is in its advanced stage.
There remains the possibility that harsh bans against the use of products containing asbestos will be put into place to help reduce the risk of having mesothelioma rates increasing. It is estimated that by the year 2030 asbestos will have caused over 60, 000 cases of mesothelioma and an estimated 250,000 other related cancer cases that may result in death.
Sadly over half a million asbestos and mesothelioma cases have been filed, of which over 50,000 were filed in the year 1998.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Benign Mesothelioma
While most mesothelioma cases are malignant, mesothelioma can also be benign or non-malignant.
What Is Referred To As Benign Mesothelioma?
Benign mesothelioma is solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura, benign mesothelioma as the name indicates is not malignant and is usually not cancerous. Mesothelioma which is more common in men starts in the tissues under the mesothelium, also know as the sub-mesothelium.
Why Is Benign Mesothelioma Tumor Different?
The most important difference between benign mesothelioma and malignant mesothelioma is that benign mesothelioma tumors does not spread and destroy other tissues. However, malignant tumors spread very quickly often times resulting in mesothelioma treatment being non-effective and difficult in most cases.
Symptoms of Benign Mesothelioma
Benign Mesothelioma is a very rare form of mesothelioma and only account for less than 10% of all cases of worldwide. It is very difficult to differentiate between the between malignant and benign mesothelioma as it requires extensive testing and surgical procedures to determine which form of mesothelioma is present.
The following are common symptoms that are associated with the presence of solitary fibrous tumor of the pluera:
*Chest Pain
*Shortness of Breath
*Chronic Cough
The main reason that these symptoms are associated with benign mesothelioma is that the growth of the tumor often times press against the lungs resulting in the symptoms above.
Diagnosing Benign Mesothelioma
The test that are used to diagnose malignant mesothelioma is used to detect benign mesothelioma. Due to the fact of the extreme difficult with identifying one form from the other without sophisticated imaging, doctors often perform a regular x-ray followed by the following:
CT Scan
This creates images by a machine that consist of an x-ray generating devices that rotates around the body. This test is very useful in detecting tumors in and around the lungs and therefore makes it an asset for diagnosing mesothelioma.
Is a diagnostic tool that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create cross sectional images of the head or body. This is a more advanced technology to the CT Scan and is more accurate providing the right images to detect any form of tumor.
Treatment of Benign Mesothelioma
Cases of Benign Mesothelioma is easily treatable unlike malignant mesothelioma. In the case of benign mesothelioma removing the tumor is usually all it takes to cure this form of mesothelioma.
The development of benign mesothelioma is often a sign of a more serious type of mesothelioma waiting to develop in the future. If benign mesothelioma is detected, it is recommended that regular checkups be performed to ensure that the tumor does not reoccur.
What Is Referred To As Benign Mesothelioma?
Benign mesothelioma is solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura, benign mesothelioma as the name indicates is not malignant and is usually not cancerous. Mesothelioma which is more common in men starts in the tissues under the mesothelium, also know as the sub-mesothelium.
Why Is Benign Mesothelioma Tumor Different?
The most important difference between benign mesothelioma and malignant mesothelioma is that benign mesothelioma tumors does not spread and destroy other tissues. However, malignant tumors spread very quickly often times resulting in mesothelioma treatment being non-effective and difficult in most cases.
Symptoms of Benign Mesothelioma
Benign Mesothelioma is a very rare form of mesothelioma and only account for less than 10% of all cases of worldwide. It is very difficult to differentiate between the between malignant and benign mesothelioma as it requires extensive testing and surgical procedures to determine which form of mesothelioma is present.
The following are common symptoms that are associated with the presence of solitary fibrous tumor of the pluera:
*Chest Pain
*Shortness of Breath
*Chronic Cough
The main reason that these symptoms are associated with benign mesothelioma is that the growth of the tumor often times press against the lungs resulting in the symptoms above.
Diagnosing Benign Mesothelioma
The test that are used to diagnose malignant mesothelioma is used to detect benign mesothelioma. Due to the fact of the extreme difficult with identifying one form from the other without sophisticated imaging, doctors often perform a regular x-ray followed by the following:
CT Scan
This creates images by a machine that consist of an x-ray generating devices that rotates around the body. This test is very useful in detecting tumors in and around the lungs and therefore makes it an asset for diagnosing mesothelioma.
Is a diagnostic tool that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create cross sectional images of the head or body. This is a more advanced technology to the CT Scan and is more accurate providing the right images to detect any form of tumor.
Treatment of Benign Mesothelioma
Cases of Benign Mesothelioma is easily treatable unlike malignant mesothelioma. In the case of benign mesothelioma removing the tumor is usually all it takes to cure this form of mesothelioma.
The development of benign mesothelioma is often a sign of a more serious type of mesothelioma waiting to develop in the future. If benign mesothelioma is detected, it is recommended that regular checkups be performed to ensure that the tumor does not reoccur.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Mesothelioma Treatment

Diagnosing mesothelioma has proven to be rather challenging, whether it is pleural mesotheolioma or another form. Due to the fact that this disease is such an aggressive and very destructive cancer, victims are often faced with a slim chance of successful treatment. Even though all hope seems as if it is lost, exploiting all viable options is worth it.
Every case of mesothelioma is different in some way or another, however with the expanding options for mesothelioma treatment there are options that will be the best for you depending on a number of factors, such as age, health level and how far along the issue is. With the advancement that the medical field as made over the years, diagnostic tools such as x-rays, MRI's, CT Scans have made it easier for mesothelioma to be detected, these tools have made the difference with mesothelioma treatment as early detection is vital to having a successful treatment and a higher survival rate.
The treatment for mesothelioma usually involves destroying the malignant cells and while preserving the healthy cells. There are a number of ways to accomplish this, at the present, mesothelioma victims have three options for treatment, these include,surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. The option that would be safe and successful for you would be based on a number of these factors:
*the type of mesothelioma and where the tumor or malignant cells are located.
*the size of the tumor.
*the age of the victim
*how far along the cancer has spread.
*the stage of the malignant cancer. advanced, beginning etc.
*last but not least the physical health of the victim.
Mesothelioma treatment may involve you seeing a number of doctors including an oncologist (cancer specialist), pulmonologist (lung specialist. These specialist have laid the basic foundation necessary for a mesothelioma cure. Mesothelioma is considered sucessful treated or cured if surgery or treatment was successful in eradicating all the malignant cells and completely removing all the cancer cells.
This is not to say that the cancer may or will not return, but at least it is one step closer to finding a total cure for the disease. With the many studies that have been taking place all over the world, we can remain hopeful that science has allowed us to make considerable advancements that will aid victims of mesothelioma to know that all hope is not lost.
Mesothelioma treatment is available, you want to ensure that you place your life in the hands of those who are reputable and will ensure that any treatment that takes place will be beneficial to you. Don't get sucked into practitioners, who are just concerned about make a profit off of your disease. Just because you have mesothelioma does not mean that all hope is lost.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma is a malignant disease that affects the lining of the lungs, or lung pleura. Doctors often times refer to this disease as mesothelioma of the pleura. Mesothelioma should not be mistaken as a primary lung cancer; as it is not. Mesothelioma is a cancer of what is called the serous membranes. These membranes cover a large number of organs in the midsection of the body, including the lungs. Pleural mesothelioma, which is the most common type of mesothelioma affects the serous membranes of the lungs.
This terrible cancer mesothelioma can also affect the serous membranes around the abdomen, and at this point is called peritoneal mesothelioma, and when the membranes surrounding the heart, is affected it is called the pericardial mesothelioma. If the mesothelioma or cancerous cells should spread to the lungs from the serous linings of the lungs, abdomen or heart, it is considered to be a secondary lung cancer. Pleural mesothelioma is oftentimes referred to as an asbestos lung cancer. Technically speaking, any cancer that does not originate in the lungs is not considered to be a lung cancer; this can lead to a misunderstanding about pleural mesothelioma and secondary lung cancer. Asbestosis is defines as a type of asbestos lung disease that originates in the lungs and can oftentimes be confused with mesothelioma.
Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer
Pleural mesothelioma cancer is the diagnosis in about 75 percent of all mesothelioma cases. This disease occurs as a result of an individual coming into contact with and inhaling asbestos fibers, which can settle in the lungs and cause the development of malignant cancerous cells. These asbestos fibers if embedded in the lining of the lung (the pleura) may eventually cause chronic inflammation that eventually leads to the growth of cancerous tumors or,and in some cases, result in asbestosis.
Pleural mesothelioma cancer frequently appears as multiple tumor masses affecting the parietal surface (area further from the lung) and visceral surface (area closer to the lung) of the pleura. In most cases, the parietal surface is more easily affected than the visceral. Studies have shown that their is a slightly higher incidence of mesothelioma in the right lung, apparently this is due to the fact that the right lung is much larger and has a greater amount of pleural surface area. The lower lungs typically shows more tumor masses than the upper lung (right lung). This is believed to be due gravitational forces that influence how the asbestos fibers eventually settles in the lungs after they have been inhaled.
Abnormal growths in the pleura is normally found in patients upon diagnosis. As the diseases spreads, the growth of these cancerous cells results a complete deterioration of the lung cavity. The tumors can oftentimes spread from the lung pleura to other organs in the body,which including the heart and abdomen. Mesothelioma is also known to invade the lymph nodes and circulatory system in some cases.
Tumors that are not related to pleural mesothelioma can also grow in the pleura. These tumors start in other parts of the body and gradually moves to the pleura. The most common form of non-pleural mesothelioma cancer that occurs is lung cancer,whic accounts for about 36 percent of the cancer occurring in the pleura. The next most common forms of cancer are breast cancer which accounts for approximately 25 percent, ovarian cancer 5 percent and gastric cancer 2 percent. Lymphoma also accounts for a very small portion of cancers that metastasize to the pleura.
Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms
As with many disease pleural mesothelioma comes with many symptoms that may be misleading. The most common symptom associated with pleural mesothelioma patients is a chest pain. However, the pain oftentimes not associated with the lung pleura and often appears in the shoulder or upper abdomen. A shortness of breath, called dyspnea, is also a common symptom associated with this disease. Cough, weight loss and anorexia have been reported in some patients, but are less common symptoms. Finally, the epidemic growth of the pleural mesothelioma tumors enlarges the pleural space causing it to fill with fluid. This buildup of fluid which is known as a pleural effusion causes great discomfort or pain associated with first detection of the disease.
Pleural mesothelioma patients oftentimes have all three types of mesothelioma cancer cells: epithelioid mesothelioma, sarcomatoid mesothelioma and biphasic mesothelioma.
Pleural Mesothelioma Prognosis
Most patients' mesothelioma prognosis is quite bleak. In a study involving 167 patients with proven pleural mesothelioma, the median survival rate of patients following diagnosis was 242 days. The survival rate was also affected by the type of mesothelioma cancer cells; patients with biphasic cell types have the shortest life expectancy.
1. Dodson, R. and Hammar, S. Asbestos: Risk Assessment, Epidemiology, and Health
Effects. Taylor & Francis: Boca Raton. 2006.
2. Pass, I., Vogelzang, N., Carbone, M. Malignant Mesothelioma: Advances in
Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Transitional Therapies. Springer: New York. 2005.
3. Castleman, B. Asbestos: Medical and Legal Aspects. Aspen Publishers:
New York.2005.
4. http://www.umm.edu/thoracic/mesothelioma.htm
5. http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=4473
6. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/PUB/DOCS/SECTION28/89.pdf
This terrible cancer mesothelioma can also affect the serous membranes around the abdomen, and at this point is called peritoneal mesothelioma, and when the membranes surrounding the heart, is affected it is called the pericardial mesothelioma. If the mesothelioma or cancerous cells should spread to the lungs from the serous linings of the lungs, abdomen or heart, it is considered to be a secondary lung cancer. Pleural mesothelioma is oftentimes referred to as an asbestos lung cancer. Technically speaking, any cancer that does not originate in the lungs is not considered to be a lung cancer; this can lead to a misunderstanding about pleural mesothelioma and secondary lung cancer. Asbestosis is defines as a type of asbestos lung disease that originates in the lungs and can oftentimes be confused with mesothelioma.
Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer
Pleural mesothelioma cancer is the diagnosis in about 75 percent of all mesothelioma cases. This disease occurs as a result of an individual coming into contact with and inhaling asbestos fibers, which can settle in the lungs and cause the development of malignant cancerous cells. These asbestos fibers if embedded in the lining of the lung (the pleura) may eventually cause chronic inflammation that eventually leads to the growth of cancerous tumors or,and in some cases, result in asbestosis.
Pleural mesothelioma cancer frequently appears as multiple tumor masses affecting the parietal surface (area further from the lung) and visceral surface (area closer to the lung) of the pleura. In most cases, the parietal surface is more easily affected than the visceral. Studies have shown that their is a slightly higher incidence of mesothelioma in the right lung, apparently this is due to the fact that the right lung is much larger and has a greater amount of pleural surface area. The lower lungs typically shows more tumor masses than the upper lung (right lung). This is believed to be due gravitational forces that influence how the asbestos fibers eventually settles in the lungs after they have been inhaled.
Abnormal growths in the pleura is normally found in patients upon diagnosis. As the diseases spreads, the growth of these cancerous cells results a complete deterioration of the lung cavity. The tumors can oftentimes spread from the lung pleura to other organs in the body,which including the heart and abdomen. Mesothelioma is also known to invade the lymph nodes and circulatory system in some cases.
Tumors that are not related to pleural mesothelioma can also grow in the pleura. These tumors start in other parts of the body and gradually moves to the pleura. The most common form of non-pleural mesothelioma cancer that occurs is lung cancer,whic accounts for about 36 percent of the cancer occurring in the pleura. The next most common forms of cancer are breast cancer which accounts for approximately 25 percent, ovarian cancer 5 percent and gastric cancer 2 percent. Lymphoma also accounts for a very small portion of cancers that metastasize to the pleura.
Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms
As with many disease pleural mesothelioma comes with many symptoms that may be misleading. The most common symptom associated with pleural mesothelioma patients is a chest pain. However, the pain oftentimes not associated with the lung pleura and often appears in the shoulder or upper abdomen. A shortness of breath, called dyspnea, is also a common symptom associated with this disease. Cough, weight loss and anorexia have been reported in some patients, but are less common symptoms. Finally, the epidemic growth of the pleural mesothelioma tumors enlarges the pleural space causing it to fill with fluid. This buildup of fluid which is known as a pleural effusion causes great discomfort or pain associated with first detection of the disease.
Pleural mesothelioma patients oftentimes have all three types of mesothelioma cancer cells: epithelioid mesothelioma, sarcomatoid mesothelioma and biphasic mesothelioma.
Pleural Mesothelioma Prognosis
Most patients' mesothelioma prognosis is quite bleak. In a study involving 167 patients with proven pleural mesothelioma, the median survival rate of patients following diagnosis was 242 days. The survival rate was also affected by the type of mesothelioma cancer cells; patients with biphasic cell types have the shortest life expectancy.
1. Dodson, R. and Hammar, S. Asbestos: Risk Assessment, Epidemiology, and Health
Effects. Taylor & Francis: Boca Raton. 2006.
2. Pass, I., Vogelzang, N., Carbone, M. Malignant Mesothelioma: Advances in
Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Transitional Therapies. Springer: New York. 2005.
3. Castleman, B. Asbestos: Medical and Legal Aspects. Aspen Publishers:
New York.2005.
4. http://www.umm.edu/thoracic/mesothelioma.htm
5. http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=4473
6. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/PUB/DOCS/SECTION28/89.pdf
Friday, February 12, 2010
Define Mesothelioma
What Is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is defined as a rare malignant cancer found in the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a protective sac which covers majority of the body's internal organs. The cancerous cells found in the mesothelium is often times found in most individuals who worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos dust particles.
To Successfully define mesothelioma, asbestos has to be taken into consideration. This is so as about 70-80 percent of individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma had some form of exposure or contact with asbestos. However, mesothelioma has also been reported in individuals with no know exposure to asbestos.
To further clarify what asbestos is, it is the name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers that may be separated into thin threads and woven. Hence, asbestos is found in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, floor products and the list goes on.
Due to the fact that mesothelioma cancer is a by product of asbestos; to define mesothelioma without mentioning asbestos is almost impossible.
Mesothelioma is defined as a rare malignant cancer found in the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a protective sac which covers majority of the body's internal organs. The cancerous cells found in the mesothelium is often times found in most individuals who worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos dust particles.
To Successfully define mesothelioma, asbestos has to be taken into consideration. This is so as about 70-80 percent of individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma had some form of exposure or contact with asbestos. However, mesothelioma has also been reported in individuals with no know exposure to asbestos.
To further clarify what asbestos is, it is the name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers that may be separated into thin threads and woven. Hence, asbestos is found in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, floor products and the list goes on.
Due to the fact that mesothelioma cancer is a by product of asbestos; to define mesothelioma without mentioning asbestos is almost impossible.
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